Are you interested in testing out a new weapon or experimenting with a model you haven’t tried before? At the Lodge, we have a selection of best-in-class guns that are available to rent for the day when you book a hunting trip with us. Learn more about our top-tier offerings below.
When you join us for a pheasant hunting excursion on South Dakota’s wide-open prairie, you might find yourself interested in trying out a new shotgun. We have five shotgun rentals available, and while we encourage you to bring your own weapon as well, we welcome you to switch out your weapon for the day and practice your skills taking down our wild roosters!
Shotgun rentals: $25/day, ammo included. Cleaning is not required.
Rentals are extremely popular for our prairie dog hunters, who love trying out new rifles on South Dakota’s varmint population. We partner with local farmers to take down these little rascals, and their fields benefit from your prairie dog hunting trip. We have access to plenty of large prairie dog towns in close proximity to the Lodge, so there are always more rodents to eliminate. If you’re interested in trying a new rifle while you’re staying with us, consider one of our elite rental options:
Rifle rentals: $25/day, ammo available for sale.